How to Get Rare Pokemon in Black 2

Legendary Pok�mon

Legendary Pok�mon have been a massive part of Pok�mon games from the get-go and, as such, Pok�mon Black 2 & Pok�mon White 2 don't skimp on the possibilities, providing numerous Legendary Pok�mon dotted around Unova. This page details the Legendary Pok�mon, how to get them, and what they know

#638 Cobalion

Location: Route 13

Cobalion is initially met on the way up through Route 6, having been made homeless from its previous home, the Mistralton Cave. Not long after this, it is simply found in the middle of Route 13, awaiting capture. If you defeat it and return after you have beaten the Elite Four, it is found here at a higher level

Level 45
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 13. Caught at Lv. 45
Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 13. Caught at Lv. 65
#640 Virizion

Location: Route 11

Virizion, like Cobalion, is also found just standing around in the middle of a route having been made homeless. It will stand at the western end of Route 11, no matter how frozen the area gets. If you defeat it and return after you have beaten the Elite Four, it is found here at a higher level

Level 45
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 11. Caught at Lv. 45
Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 11. Caught at Lv. 65
#639 Terrakion

Location: Route 22

Terrakion is hidden away on a little platform in Route 22. When you first approach it, Colress will appear and end up giving you his device for controlling Pok�mon. If you defeat it and return after you have beaten the Elite Four, it is found here at a higher level

Level 45
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 22. Caught at Lv. 45
Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Justified
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 22. Caught at Lv. 65
#644 Zekrom & #643 Reshiram

Location: Dragonspiral Tower

After completion of the game, you will encounter N within the ruins of his castle. While there, he will challenge you to a battle, and when he loses, his Pok�mon will convert back into a stone. Take the stone to Dragonspiral Tower and you'll be able to capture it. Zekrom is exclusive to Pok�mon Black 2 while Reshiram is exclusive to Pok�mon White 2

Level 70
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Teravolt
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dragonspiral Tower. Caught at Lv. 70
Level 70
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Turboblaze
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dragonspiral Tower. Caught at Lv. 70

#646 Kyurem

Location: Giant Chasm

Having not been able to capture it when first encountered, after you have captured the Reshiram or Zekrom owned by N, you can return to the Giant Chasm to find Kyurem. Kyurem will be in its native form when captured, but will leave behind the DNA Link item which will allow for the changing of form

Level 70
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Pressure
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Giant Chasm. Caught at Lv. 70
#381 Latias & #380 Latios

Location: Dreamyard

After completion of the game, you will soon gain access to the area Dreamyard. Upon your entry to this area, you will be ambushed by Latios if playing Black 2, or Latias if playing White 2. They ill then fly off into the Dreamyard. You need to follow them and try to intercept

Level 68
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dreamyard. Caught at Lv. 68
Level 68
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dreamyard. Caught at Lv. 68

#480 Uxie

Location: Nacrene Museum

After completing the game, if you visit the Cave of Being, located within Route 20, Professor Juniper will see the three pixies shooting off around Unova and ask you to follow them. The first, Uxie, can be found outside the Nacrene City Museum. You need to stand on a particular spot in order for it to appear

Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Nacrene City. Caught at Lv. 65
#481 Mesprit

Location: Celestial Tower

After completing the game, if you visit the Cave of Being, located within Route 20, Professor Juniper will see the three pixies shooting off around Unova and ask you to follow them. The second, Mesprit, can be found on the summit of the Celestial Tower. You need to stand on a particular spot in order for it to appear

Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Celestial Tower. Caught at Lv. 65
#482 Azelf

Location: Route 23

After completing the game, if you visit the Cave of Being, located within Route 20, Professor Juniper will see the three pixies shooting off around Unova and ask you to follow them. The final one, Azelf, can be found well in the left hand side of Route 23. You need to stand on a particular spot in order for it to appear

Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Route 23. Caught at Lv. 65
#377 Regirock

Location: Underground Ruins

Deep in the Clay Tunnel are the Underground Ruins. These ruins are seldom seen caves which hold a massive puzzle. The first one is the focus of the Pok�mon Regirock and has you have to do a puzzle that can only be known if you visit the place at Day and night. The puzzle requires you to move 6 steps down from the centerpiece and then move 9 steps right. Then select down to hit a hidden switch. This changes the ruins so Regirock becomes available.

Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Clear Body
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Underground Ruins. Caught at Lv. 65
#379 Registeel & #378 Regice

Location: Underground Ruins

Following on from the capture of Regirock, you will receive a special Unova Link key. The Iron Key in Black 2 or the Iceberg Key in White 2. When you switch over to using these via the Unova Link function, you will then find that they instead have taken residence in the same place you captured Regirock.
Typically, this would make them version exclusives with Registeel being Black 2 and Regice being White 2. However, the ability to share across Unova Link means that if your friend has the opposite game and has captured Regirock and got the key, he can send that key to you

Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Clear Body
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Underground Ruins. Caught at Lv. 65
Level 65
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Clear Body
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Underground Ruins. Caught at Lv. 65

#486 Regigigas

Location: Twist Mountain

Once you have captured Regirock, Regice and Registeel, you now will be able to access the Colossal Pok�mon, Regigigas. If you bring the three Pok�mon with you to where Regigigas sleeps in the basement of Twist Mountain, and interact with it, it willa wake

Level 68
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Slow Start
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Twist Mountain. Caught at Lv. 68
#488 Cresselia

Location: Marvelous Bridge

In the Strangers House near Lentimas Town,you have to follow a puzzle which brings you to access the Lunar Wing. this puzzle has you go downstairs from the left then back upstairs on the right, then go upstairs and follow the way to the left. Then,go downstairs again and follow that to the right and back up. Then, climb the middle staircase and a ghost shall appear who will lead you to the Lunar Wing. Take this Lunar Wing to Marvelous Bridge and you can battle Cresselia.

Level 68
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Marvelous Bridge. Caught at Lv. 68
#485 Heatran

Location: Reversal Mountain

To get Heatran, you first need to get the Magma Stone. This stone is hidden away in one of the highermost cliffs in Route 18. Once that's obtained, take it to the Reversal Mountain cave Bianca pointed out earlier and Heatran will arrive.

Level 68
OT: Yours
ID: Yours
Ability: Flash Fire
Hold Item:
??? Nature.
Date of Receiving
Rebrth Mountain. Caught at Lv. 68

How to Get Rare Pokemon in Black 2


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