You Know You're a Whovian When

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Madthing2 | 4 comments You know you lot're a Whovian when you yell DELETE DELETE when you lot delete something on the computer

Elysia (elysia_rae) You know you're a Whovian when you lot pick up a screwdriver and go ''This could be more sonic''.

Karen B. (raggedy11) You lot know you're a Whovian when your idea of the upcoming "holidays" means next calendar week.

Rowan *call me Red* (rowanmoss) | 212 comments Yous know you lot're a Whovian when the lights flicker you say "Don't blink, blink and y'all're dead."

Also when your best explanation for things is "WIbbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey."

Martin | 1 comments You lot know you lot're a Whovian when you wait at shop window dummies suspiciously, waiting for them to move, to see if they're Autons....

Rowan *call me Red* (rowanmoss) | 212 comments Yous know you lot're a Whovian when you ever count the shadows wherever you get.

Karen B. (raggedy11) mimaimi wrote: "You know yous're a Whovian when you endeavour not to blink while watching DW episodes with weeping angels in them.

Aye, I watched the 10th Doctor'southward yesterday and I was trying to run into if I could scout parts of it without blinking.

message 8: by Novia (new)

Novia (novroz) | 236 comments You know you're a Whovian when you forget you take tons of works when new footage of Doctor Who shows upwardly in youtube

(happened to me yesterday)

Karen B. (raggedy11) OOH What did yous notice on Youtube?

bulletin 10: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 102 comments Yous know you're a Whovian when you scan your room with your sonic at nighttime.

Karen B. (raggedy11) Y'all know your a Whovian when the first emails you open if you have many are ones related to The Md.

CaptKirk42 Classic Whovian (klandersen) | 1146 comments Modernistic

...When you are watching a British TV show or film and see an actor that is vaguely familiar looking that you lot know you've seen before but can't place where. Then it hits you when they say the give-and-take "doctor".

message 13: by Arwen (new)

Arwen when pause your computer in excitement that David Tennant is coming back

message 14: past Liam (new)

Liam (loda101) | 71 comments when y'all are dying to come across the next episode

Rowan *call me Red* (rowanmoss) | 212 comments You know y'all're a Whovian when you freak out when you find a crack in your wall. (I actually have one in my cupboard.)


You know you're a Whovian when y'all want to accept a Doc Who political party at schoolhouse on Friday and round upwardly the Whovians in your schoolhouse and eats fish fingers and custard.

message sixteen: by [deleted user] (new)

(I've done that. XD)

You know you're a Whovian when you tin can't go about your day WITHOUT thinking of DW fifty-fifty in the simplest forms. :3

message 17: by Abbie (new)

Abbie (abbieleungg) Yous know you lot're a Whovian when you shout the Doctor's catchphrases whenever and wherever.
And that is absolutely fantastic. ;)

bulletin 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Lol, I do that too. XD

You lot know you're a Whovian when stone statues brand you lot think twice.

And you know you're a Whovian when you turn out the lights and instantly retrieve of Silence in the Library.

message xix: past [deleted user] (new)

Yous know you're a whovian when you wear your bow necktie around and don't care who stares...

Y'all know you're a whovian when yous say delete when you delete an app off your phone...

Yous know you lot're a whovian when you attempt to "exterminate" anybody on the other squad of whatever you're playing...

message xx: by [deleted user] (new)

You know y'all're a whovian when you lot already know the textile in history class because y'all saw it on Doctor Who.

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments You know you're A Whovian when a coworker compliments you lot on your sonic screwdriver.

CaptKirk42 Classic Whovian (klandersen) | 1146 comments Modernistic

YKYAW When... You lot hear someone gleefully weep "Allonsi" and react exactly the way the State of war Md does.

bulletin 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 102 comments Y'all know you're a Whovian when you insist on bringing a banana to a party.

CaptKirk42 Classic Whovian (klandersen) | 1146 comments Mod

mimaimi wrote: "Y'all know you lot're a Whovian when you make adiposes out of marshmallows."

I saw a pic of some of those I think information technology was on Facebook from a Dr. Who grouping on a mail about Doctor Who themed parties.

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments You know you're a Whovian when multi-colored scarves will ever be "Doctor Who" scarves.

CaptKirk42 Classic Whovian (klandersen) | 1146 comments Mod

Laurel wrote: "You know you're a Whovian when multi-colored scarves will e'er be "Doctor Who" scarves."
You lot know yous are a Whovian when y'all look at those scarfs and critique them on their accuracy to the serial. (The scarf that the UNIT scientist Osgood was wearing didn't look quite right to me, could be just me)

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments You know you are a Whovian when a fiddling girl at the library says "Mommy I was afraid to go in there considering there were shadows" and you lot are agape too. Actually, really, afraid.

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments Arwen wrote: "when pause your computer in excitement that David Tennant is coming dorsum"

Wow. Haven't done that. But I recall I could have with how excited I was...

message 29: by Kyren (new)

Kyren | 19 comments You know y'all're a Whovian when you start talking in a British accent all the time.

message 30: past Kyren (new)

Kyren | 19 comments You know you lot're a Whovian when you make a hope to someone and say, "I cross my hearts."

message 31: by Dagny (new)

Dagny Drake | 11 comments Y'all know you lot're a Whovian when ii light sources cross and form two shadows from someone and yous say, "I am so sorry. I am so so sorry."

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments You know you lot're a Whovian when you brand custard (unsuccessfully) and consume fish fingers with it.

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments You lot know y'all're a Whovian when you lot correct yourself when you say fish sticks to fish fingers.

CaptKirk42 Classic Whovian (klandersen) | 1146 comments Mod

Kyren wrote: "You know you lot're a Whovian when you first talking in a British accent all the time."

Nah that is only Monty Pythonomia

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments You know yous're a Whovian when you meet affections statues in movies and don't blink till the scene changes.

bulletin 36: by [deleted user] (new)

You lot know yous're a Whovian when you're skeptical virtually the rock affections in the cemetary by your house. .v.

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments @Alexis

Siriusly?? :o

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments You know yous are a Whovian when you pass a volume in the library entitles "The Moffats" and yous desire to milkshake your fist and cry.

bulletin 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Elizabeth [The Called One] wrote: "@Alexis

Siriusly?? :o"

Yeah, it's a bit freaky. I've been tempted to take a motion-picture show of it, only that's 'against the rules.' XD

Hm...You know you're a Whovian when y'all subconsciously quote the characters and your family gives you weird looks for it.

Rowan *call me Red* (rowanmoss) | 212 comments Alexis -To the TARDIS! Allons-y!!- wrote: "You know you're a Whovian when yous're skeptical about the rock affections in the cemetary by your house. .5."

Don't blink!!!!!!

Elizabeth (elizabethnovak) ...when you have fish sticks and custard for special occasions.

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments You know you are a Whovian when you are on a word game unrelated to Physician Who and someone puts Dr., and you accept to reply with Who.

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments Mayhap a little ;-)

message 44: by Karl (new)

Karl Øen | 3 comments You know you lot are a Whovian when you know you lot raised a Whovian when your daugther yells "Geronimo!" at the near inapropriate moments, - and she doesn't know that much well-nigh the Apaches...

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments Karl wrote: "You know you are a Whovian when you know you raised a Whovian when your daugther yells "Geronimo!" at the nigh inapropriate moments, - and she doesn't know that much about the Apaches..."

You're doing information technology right :-)

bulletin 46: by [deleted user] (new)

When you lot watch Doctor Who every mean solar day

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments You know you're a Whovian when y'all meet a bowtie and recall 'bowties are cool'.

Elizabeth *Book Lover* | 182 comments Also, you know you're a Whovian when your parents get fish fingers and you ask 'what most the custard?'

Laurel (herpilgrimsoul) | 76 comments Elizabeth [The Impossible Girl] wrote: "As well, you know y'all're a Whovian when your parents get fish fingers and you ask 'what well-nigh the custard?'"

WKYAWH you have really eaten fish fingers and custard. Together.

message 50: by Sami (new)

Sami  C (samijc37) You know your a whovian when someone ask you

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