Why Doesnt Tumblr Let Me Upload an Image

Fault uploading photo: The ultimate solution


And so I've been looking through the ''Error uploading photo'' tag and I see nothing simply complaining, and the worst is that nobody is doing anything to assist. (EDIT: i mean seriously does it take too much of an effort to whorl this tag a bit to detect this mail???? complaining on that tag wont solve anything smh) I remember a actually skillful tutorial from a k-pop blog but I can't discover information technology ;A; and so I'll try to share some of my tips to upload those annoying oversaturated gifs.

Used tools:

  • Photoshop CS5 extended (You tin can use any version)
  • Grainy textures. Yous can find grainy textures here.

Then even though I suck at explaining things, I hope you guys understand OTL

And my apologies for my english, im spanish so yes my english language is a bit lame im deplorable for that  (◡‿◡✿)

The virtually probable reason your gifs aren't uploading is considering they are either oversaturated/accept too many frames, though the second option is very unusual, but information technology happens.

Options:  [I'll go from the options that work with most of the gifs to the last resort options.]

  • Grainy textures

For some reason, tumblr doesn't similar strong cyan/magenta colors, or any other oversaturated color. This is when the grainy textures come.

Grainy textures are great when it comes to ''dissimulate'' the low quality of the gif (For case, you lot have this gif that was 1,3 mb but you lowered the quality in order to get the size to 999kb.) It also makes a dandy effect, and the proficient part is that it can help us avoid this mistake. This is what I practice:

This gif won't upload:


So I'll add together this grainy texture


I usually set the texture to screen, and lower the opacity to 20%-40%, depending on how saturated the frames are.



Ever remember to unify the texture to each frame. (This choice is extremely useful, every bit it volition apply any pick you choose to all your frames.) Y'all can do this by merely clicking the third button of the unify option, as shown in the pic below.


Play with the opacity setting until you go the gif to upload. Remember that our first priority is to upload the gif and try to exit the coloring intact even though it is hard. You can too play with the curves to re-colour the gif, information technology'due south upward to you. (I don't recommend it considering we are struggling to avert the error we don't want to get it again!!)

Note: In that location are many kinds of textures out at that place, using a white grainy texture for dark frames is not recommended. What y'all wanna practise is to choose a dark i instead.



Information technology doesn't wait as colorful as the original gif, merely information technology uploaded without problems!

  • Make full layer

This is an option that doesn't always work with my gifs, but it is worth mentioning it.

If your gif is either oversaturated in cyan/magenta colors, you lot need to ''residuum'' the colors. What you wanna do is to create a new fill up layer with solid colour.


If your gif is oversaturated in cyan, you'll choose a lite pink color, and if your gif is oversaturated in magenta, choose a lite blueish color. Play with the opacity selection of the make full layer until it uploads.  If it doesn't, move onto the next pick.

  • Desaturation and depression vibrance

Personally, I don't like this selection, but your gif will definitely upload, as the main problem is your gif saturation, desaturating it is an obvious solution that will piece of work 99% of the time, but nosotros don't want those colors gone!

Recommendation? Play with both the saturation/vibrance settings until you lot get your gif to upload. At this point, playing with the levels/curves is not recommended, but y'all tin always give it a try!


Tip: As I said before, Tumblr doesn't like cyan/magenta colors as well as any other oversaturated color. If you lot experience like you're getting the Error uploading photo because of just one color, click on the hue/saturation selection, choose cyans /magentas and subtract the saturation, as well every bit whatever other oversaturated color.


Attempt uploading your gif, if it doesn't upload, try lowering the saturation even more, if it doesn't upload, motility onto the next choice.

  • Decrease the amount of frames

This is actually unusual, considering many of our gifs accept between twenty/thirty frames, which is non a trouble.

But apparently, Tumblr doesn't like gifs with more than 45/50 frames. I know virtually of you can't become a gif to exist under 999 kb with 50 frames, but it is possible for videogame gifs extracted from emulators, since the color expectrum isn't large. If you don't work with these, skip this option.


This gif, as information technology is right at present, won't upload. It has exactly 117 frames, and it is 88kb. What y'all wanna do is to reduce the corporeality of frames to either 50/45. Information technology should upload now. If it doesn't, keep decreasing  the amount of frames until it uploads. This method always works for me. If you don't desire to decrease the amount of frames, yous tin always lower the saturation, but in that location'southward like a 30% chance it will work, and most of the colors will be gone. It'due south up to you.

  • Blackness and white option and recoloring with PSDs

The black and white pick will most likely let your gif be uploaded, but all the colors will be gone. At that place's similar a 10% adventure it won't work, and this is when yous take to lower the saturation besides. By now, your gif won't accept any colors, then you lot might want to call up twice before uploading your gif, as tumblr users are really picky.

Using psds is a great style to avoid the error uploading photo, simply you lot might want to alter some of the settings, similar exposure, vibrance and saturation, equally most of the psds have a lot of exposure and other settings we don't want to put on our gif.

PSDs that include the photograph filter setting are recommended, considering they recolor the gif and well-nigh of the time it has a swell issue. If information technology doesn't upload still, move onto the next option.

  • Upload equally draft

Many people say that uploading as typhoon helps to avert the Error uploading photo. I tin can't say it works for sure because I ever upload my gifs or whatsoever graphic I make as draft so I tin can't really tell if there'southward an actual difference, so if you lot never utilise the "upload equally draft" option, requite it a try!

If you lot can't get your gif to upload, then try to mix some of the options above and your gif will definitely upload.

And that's it! I hope it was helpful. Likes are always appreciated, but don't be selfish, reblog it too and then everyone can come across it. Lots of people helped me when I got this mistake for the offset fourth dimension, and then you might want to practice the aforementioned. If you need any explanations, my enquire box is open, I'll gladly help.  (◕‿◕✿)


Source: https://hitmontop.tumblr.com/post/40700186296/error-uploading-photo-the-ultimate-solution

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